
Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Review: The Zenned Out Guide to Understanding Crystals by Cassie Uhl

I am very new to crystal work, but have dipped my toe casually into other forms of magick over the years (tarot, meditation, spellwork, etc.). Crystals just never seemed to

interest me in the past, partly because I was skeptical of their power since I didn’t have a good understanding of how they work. In recent weeks, I’ve made more of an effort to at least learn more about crystals before judging them. That’s where “The Zenned Out Guide to Understanding Crystals” by Cassie Uhl comes in.

This is a wonderful book for anyone interested in working with crystals, but it is an especially useful resource for those
who were a lot like me. The author provides a comprehensive (but not overwhelming!) background on the

science behind crystals and how they work. This was my favorite part of the book because it truly made me a believer and eradicated all my skepticism.

After the educational introduction, the book continued to wow me as it answered every beginner question I had regarding crystals. From how to connect to various stones to the cleansing, charging, and programming of your crystals, Uhl thinks of everything. I loved the informative and beautifully illustrated infographics that are scattered throughout the various chapters to review key ideas and useful information.

Even more advanced crystal users can appreciate parts of this book, such as the chapter on crystal grids which was definitely too advanced for my current abilities. The crystal guide at the end of the book which shows many useful correspondences is worth the price of the book all by itself! I've read that this author has similar titles on auras and chakras, so I'm definitely going to be checking those titles out.

My Rating: ★★★★

*Thanks to the author, Quarto Publishing, and Netgalley for providing me with a digital copy in exchange for an honest review!

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