
Monday, July 19, 2021

Review: For Your Own Good by Samantha Downing

Just a disclaimer: no teacher I know thinks or behaves the way teachers in this book do! Haha! 

Teddy is a teacher at a prestigious private school where the students are entitled and the parents are even worse. He puts up with all the nonsense because he believes it is his job to teach these kids how to be decent human beings. If their parents have shielded them from appropriate consequences, then Teddy steps in to show them how the real world works, even if that means being a tad unethical and petty at times. It’s all for the good of the students, after all. However, Teddy’s lessons aren’t solely focused on his students, which becomes clear when one of his pranks goes horribly wrong and leaves someone dead. Teddy doesn’t stop there though and the whole school is about to become known as #HomicideHigh.

I had previously read ‘My Lovely Wife’ by Samantha Downing and really enjoyed it. So when this one popped up on NetGalley, I put my request in right away. Being a teacher, I have to admit that Teddy couldn’t have been much farther from a teacher of the year with his warped sense of duty to his students. That being said, this novel was extremely enjoyable to read. Teddy is a true villain and there were a lot of twists and turns throughout the book to keep me reading. My only complaints were that the pacing slowed down quite a bit about 2/3 of the way through and while the ending was satisfying, it seemed a little subdued considering the huge buildup.

My Rating: ★★

At the time of this post, this title is set to be released on July 20, 2021.

*Thanks to the author, Berkley Publishing, and Netgalley for providing me with a digital ARC in exchange for an honest review!

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